Boost Ad ROI: Top-5 Display Tips From A Sign Company In Rockville, MD

Boost Ad ROI: Top-5 Display Tips From A Sign Company In Rockville, MD

Today’s post shares 5 sign display tips to help you maximize your return on investment. Read on to learn more, or call (240)-246-7423 to speak directly with a sign company in Rockville, MD.

Signs Boost Sales In Rockville—But Only With Proper Placement!

In a seminal study by the Sign Research Foundation, researchers studied how new signage impacted sales at 162 different fast-food locations in Southern California. At the end of the study period, they identified a “strong correlation between sales increases and the number of signs” being displayed on the premises. Ultimately, they concluded that “one additional sign yielded sales increases of 4.75%, an impact greater than the increases brought on by a larger building, longer hours, or longevity at the location.” In some cases, sales increased by 15%.

Each new sign addition also brought a higher number of transactions. When extrapolated into sales figures, the research team estimated that the addition of a single sign at every fast-food outlet in LA would boost revenues by $132 million.

Does this reflect your last experience working with a sign company in Rockville, MD? If not, and you’re unsatisfied with your current return on investment, you might have fallen foul of some common (and costly) display errors. If you’re not working with a full-service sign company like ours, that can happen—your sign is delivered, and then the setup is left up to you. Without knowledge of proper sign placement, this can be quite daunting, but Rockville Sign Company is here to help.

Read on to learn some best practices for sales-boosting business sign placement, or call (240)-246-7423 to go pro with our expert site selection and installation services.

Top-5 Display Tips From A Sign Company In Rockville, MD

  1. Place your sign perpendicular to oncoming traffic. In one study measuring the effects of different sign orientation, researchers found that perpendicular signs were detected significantly more often than parallel signs, even when the latter was two to three times larger (Zineddin et al., 2005).
  2. Steer clear of seasonal obstructions. Some sign locations look perfect until you review them with an all-seasons perspective. When selecting your sign site, be mindful of how trees flesh out in spring and snow drifts pile up in the winter, and make sure these “seasonal obstructions” won’t block your sign message in a few months.
  3. Look for opportunities to create external contrast. Just as it is important to create internal contrast (e.g. black letters on a white background) during the design stage to promote visibility, so too must we create external contrast (i.e. contrast between your sign and surroundings) while placing our signs. For example, if your sign is green, don’t position it in the foreground of a lush, green naturescape; and if it’s a ruddy red color, don’t hang it up against a red-bricked wall. Shape is also important when creating external contrast, so look for opportunities to place rounded signs on angular backgrounds (e.g. rigid brickwork), and vice versa.
  4. Make use of verticality. The higher you place your signs, the less likely they are to be blocked by passing vehicles, pedestrians, and product displays. Mounting signs up high takes special skills and equipment, all of which you’ll find at our local sign company.
  5. Position your sign in your target audience’s line of sight. Step into your customers’ shoes and walk or drive past your business, making note of where your eyes naturally tend to wander, then do your best to position your signs smack-dab in their field of view.

Book A Free Consultation With A Sign Company In Rockville, MD

Looking to boost ad ROI with next-level design and perfect placement? Look no further. We’ve helped countless Rockville businesses ratchet up the returns on their sign investment, and we can do the same for you.

Call (240)-246-7423 or use our online contact form to request a callback at your convenience.


Zineddin, A. Z., Garvey, P. M., & Pietrucha, M. T. (2005). Impact of sign orientation on on-premise commercial signs. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 131(1), 11-17.
