Optimize On-Premise Advertising With Sign Designers In Rockville, MD

Optimize On-Premise Advertising With Sign Designers In Rockville, MD

Multiple studies have shown that on-premise advertising drives sales and boosts brand authority, but only if you order from qualified sign designers who understand your industry.

Fortunately, if you live in Rockville or the surrounding areas, finding qualified sign designers with cross-industry experience has never been easier!

Read on to review the research and learn how our sign designers help to optimize on-premise advertising for local businesses, or call (240)-246-7423 to speak directly with sign designers near you.

On-Premise Advertising Undeniably Drives Sales In Rockville, MD

Review research from any reputable marketing publications and you’ll find plenty of evidence that on-premise signs drive sales.

For example, in a report by the Sign Research Foundation, titled “The Economic Value of On-Premise Signage,” researchers studied sales and demographic data from more than 160 fast-food chains to assess whether the addition of on-premise advertising materials made a noticeable impact on sales.

Spoiler alert: they did! At the end of their study, Rexhausen et al. (2012) determined that the addition of even a single sign yielded sales increases of nearly 5%, which was deemed “greater than the increases brought on by a larger building, longer hours, or longevity at the location” (p. 5). These sales boosts increased as more signs were added, up to nearly 15% in some cases!

But then why do some businesses report underwhelming results after expanding their sign systems? More often than not, the answer lies not only in the quality of the sign design, but also in the quality of the sign designers, as an experienced eye can make all the difference, both during the ideation phase and during your final site selection.

Optimize On-Premise Ads With Pro Sign Designers In Rockville, MD

If you’re looking to optimize the design and placement of your on-premise signage, our sign designers are here to help.

Not only do we guarantee great results with your sign design, which you can see for yourself in our online gallery and 5-star Google reviews, but our sign designers will also ensure your installation is code-compliant and optimized according to the 5 Factors of Sign Visibility, which include:

  • Size—Undersized signage has obvious flaws, but bigger isn’t always better! Oversized signs can be difficult to read at-a-glance, and they can bleed your budget, too. Our sign designers will help you determine the optimal sign and letter size to engage your target audience, whether they are browsing in-store or driving by your location at highway speeds.
  • Sign angle—Signs are easiest to read when they are displayed in the center of the reader’s field of view, and our sign designers will help you identify customer eyelines and determine the best viewing angle to engage your target audience.
  • Sign location—Busy locations aren’t always better for your displays, as customers often tune out advertisements in cluttered, highly competitive signscapes. Our sign designers will help you choose the perfect location and display context to make meaningful impressions on your audience.
  • Sign luminance—Even if your business operates during the daytime, it is important that your sign is properly lit, not lost in the shadows. Whether you choose to illuminate your sign internally, set up an external lighting rig, or take advantage of environmental lighting, such as the light from street lamps or your storefront, our sign designers will help your display pop!
  • Contrast—When you want your sign to get noticed, you need to crank up the contrast, not only between your font and substrate, but also between your sign and its surroundings. Our sign designers will survey your location early on in the design process to make sure you select the right colors and materials to stand out.

Book A Free Consultation With Sign Designers In Rockville, MD

Fill out our online contact form or call (240)-246-7423 to schedule a free consultation with professional sign designers in Rockville, MD.


Rexhausen, J., Hildebrandt, G., & Auffrey, C. (2012). The Economic Value of On-premise Signage. Sign Research Foundation.
