Make The Most Of Your Small Retail Footprint With Custom Hanging Signs

Make the Most of Your Small Retail Footprint with Custom Hanging Signs

If you’re downsizing your retail footprint or simply trying to make the most of a smaller shop where floorspace is a hot commodity, custom hanging signs are the perfect tool for in-store advertising.

Read on to learn how hanging signs provide navigational and informational cues that drive sales in small retail spaces, without eating up precious square footage, or call (240)-246-7423 to speak directly with a custom hanging sign specialist near you.

Small Footprint Stores Might Be The Next Big Thing In Rockville, MD

According to a new study by NAI Global, a global commercial real estate brokerage firm, when it comes to brick-and-mortar retail, small is back in style.

“Today’s retailers are opting to think small, forgoing the go big or go home mindset entirely,” NAI Global reports. This has been the case with several of our favorite big-name retailers, including Target, Macy’s, and Nordstrom. In fact, even big-box giant Walmart has started experimenting with smaller concept stores.

Why? NAI Global researchers offer several explanations for this increasing shift from big-to-small spaces, including:

  • A rise in environmentally responsible retail development, as smaller stores require less materials to construct, less power to run, and take much less time to heat and cool
  • A desire for increased productivity and operational efficiency, as smaller stores require fewer staff to operate
  • Rebranding efforts to create more of a “boutique” feel and experience
  • A desire for lean expansion, as smaller retail footprints allow for big brands to open more convenient locations instead of taking up entire city blocks or multiple units in business plazas

Do Small Footprint Stores Complicate In-Store Advertising?

Clearly, there are a number of advantages associated with a smaller retail footprint, but downsizing comes with its own challenges, too. One of the biggest problems local businesses are facing is limited space for in-store signage, which customers rely on for in-store navigation and decision-making, according to one study by the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (Otterbring et al., 2014).

But by using hanging sign systems, small footprint stores can enjoy the best of both worlds, benefitting from greater productivity, efficiency, sustainability, and convenience, while still giving their customers the navigational cues and promotional information they need for better in-store decision-making and stronger sales.

Custom Hanging Signs: Optimize In-Store Advertising In Small Spaces

When floor space is a hot commodity, custom hanging signs are the perfect option for your in-store signage systems. Whether you’re trying to build branded space in a trade show booth, or you want to direct and inform your customers in a smaller retail space, hanging signs are the ideal solution. Some of the benefits of using hanging signs for in-store advertising include:

  • Enhanced visibility, as hanging signs are never obstructed by product displays, shelves, or busy in-store traffic, unlike traditional wall-mounted signs or floor graphics, which can only be seen where you’re in their immediate vicinity
  • Stronger impressions, as hanging signs seem extra important due to their display position, which plays on graphic design theories of “visual hierarchy” by literally placing your message at the top of customers’ field of view
  • Efficiency in small spaces, as hanging signs allow you to add important information without taking up an inch of your floorspace.
  • Effective navigational tools, as hanging signs can be seen from anywhere in your store, not just in the immediate aisle or vicinity where they’re placed, and because you can add directional arrows to any custom design for easy wayfinding. It’s no coincidence that most important signs used for safety and wayfinding are hung or mounted up-high!

Get A Free Quote On Custom Hanging Signs In Rockville, MD

We carry a huge selection of hanging sign styles, all of which can be customized according to your unique specifications and design vision. To learn more and get a free quote on your custom hanging sign order, you can:


NAI Global. (2021). Small footprint department stores could be the next big thing.

Otterbring, T., Wästlund, E., Gustafsson, A., & Shams, P. (2014). Vision (im) possible? The effects of in-store signage on customers’ visual attention. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(5), 676-684.
