Reviewing key findings from sign studies, today’s post highlights 8 reasons to consider making the switch LED to illuminate your brand message. Read on or call (240)-246-7423 to speak directly with an LED sign specialist in your area.
8 Reasons To Make The Switch To LED Signs In Rockville, MD
- LED signs help readers process your message faster. In a seminal study by Lighting Research and Technology, researchers found that “the speed and accuracy of visual processing… is systematically related to the luminance of the background or characters” (Rea & Ouellette, 1991). LED signs facilitate particularly quick visual processing, specifically in regards to identifying characters in printed text. Put simply, if you want to quickly convey important messages, LED signs are a great solution.
- LED signs cost less to run. LED signs are some of the most efficient illumination options on the market, using about 5-times less energy than neon sign alternatives.
- LED sign maintenance is easy. LED bulbs are cheap and easy to replace. Most maintenance is done in minutes, but if you’d rather not worry, our LED sign experts are always here to help.
- LED signs last longer than other lighting options. LED bulbs last approximately 3-times as long as gas-discharge bulbs used in neon signs, and more than 25-times as long as incandescent bulbs.
- LED signs are eco-friendly. Because they last so long and use such a small amount of energy, LED signs are very easy on the environment.
- LED signs outperform signs with external light sources. While our team can illuminate any sign face with external lights, internally-illuminated LED signs are typically easier to read. In one study, internally-illuminated LED signs yielded 40-60% improvements in nighttime legibility compared to externally lit alternatives (Garvey & Kuhn, 2011).
- LED signs help customers find your business from afar. In a 2009 study from the United States Sign Council Foundation, researchers determined that “recognition distances at night tend to increase as sign luminance increases, but decrease at the very highest luminances” (Garvey et al., 2009). LED signs offer the perfect balance of luminance—just enough to catch the eye from afar, without ever washing out your message.
- LED sign code compliance is easy. Rockville’s sign code does not allow LED signs that blink, strobe, or flash, but that’s pretty much all you need to worry about. We only sell LED signs that meet Rockville’s illumination standards, and we can help you with any permits or variances that may be needed.
Get A Free Quote On Custom LED Signs In Rockville, MD
We carry all of the most popular LED sign types, and everything is completely customizable. To browse our catalog and discuss your option with an LED sign specialist, call (240)-246-7423 or fill out our quick contact form.
Garvey PM, Kuhn BT. (2011). Highway sign visibility. In Handbook of Transportation Engineering (Kutz M, editor). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Garvey PM, Pietrucha MT, Cruzado I. (2009). The Effects of Internally Illuminated On-Premise Sign Brightness on Nighttime Sign Visibility and Traffic Safety. Bristol, PA: United States Sign Council Foundation.
Rea MS, Ouellette MJ. (1991). Relative visual performance: A basis for application. Lighting Research and Technology, 23(3): 135-144.